
Konica Minolta Xpress

Konica Minolta Xpress Brochure

Fast/Reliable/Durable Both the REGIUS Nano and Xpress CR Systems offer equitable speed for the intended application use. The Nano CR systems offer up to 76 plates per hour, and the Xpress models offer 92 plates per hour image processing. REGIUS CR systems use rigid plate technology for longer life and will withstand many years of normal daily use. Plates are interchangeable between systems. With efficient workflow and long term durable products, the REGIUS family of CR products provide excellent ROI in all types of imaging facilities. Intelligent/Simple to Use Using a Windows 7 based CS-7 Control Station interface, the REGIUS CR system offers intelligent options for full user functionality at every level. Image processing is quick with a 50 second on screen ‘paint’ time for Xpress and 60 seconds for Nano. All REGIUS CR systems include DICOM Store & Print options. Easy to use and easy to learn Control Station and operating system provides a simple and short term learning curve… even for the novice radiologist using CR for the first time.

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Used and refurbished options are available for immediate delivery. We also offer mobile units, rental units, and lease to own options.