Wisonic Piloter

Applications Include: Radiology, Vascular, OB/GYN, Breast, Pediatric, MSK, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Vascular Access, Small Organ, Shared Service, and Superficial Imaging.

Probes Types:
Linear Array
Micro-Convex Array
Phased Cardiac Array

Built on the HOLO imaging platform, Piloter uses forward looking technology to provide ultra high resolution imaging. Featuring 64 times beamforming at 5000 frames per second, the Piloter provides stunning imaging across numerous applications. From abdominal to cardiac the Piloter gives you the confidence to scan any patient, anywhere.

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The Wisonic Piloter is a specialized ultrasound unit, dedicated in each subdivision segment. With its extremely lightweight case, smart design and built-in customized workflow. 2D, Colorflow, PW Doppler, CW Capability for Cardiac, wiNeedle for automatic needle visualization during biopsies on linear transducers, Dual Live Colorflow imaging, Auto Doppler measurements, extended field of view on linear and convextransducers, quick Boot up times, custom user presets and much more. The Piloter has both Ethernet and WIFI connections and fully supports DICOM 3.0.