PaxeraUltima PACS

Paxera has developed a fully customizable PACS (Picture Archiving & Communication System) solution built to automate workflow and increase productivity within your facility. Have the ability to streamline images and reports effortlessly. Our PACS system comes with a customizable viewer which gives you the ability to view current and prior studies simultaneously. Drag and drop any study a patient has had from the patient timeline for faster diagnosis and reporting. The worklist can be customized to your individual preferences. Add and remove certain attributes with a few clicks. Paxera PACS worklist reduces mouse mileage and clicks by having features like assigning a study at your fingertips.

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Web-Based PACS:

PaxeraUltima is a powerful web-based PACS solution that integrates effortlessly into your workflow. Quickly assign studies to one person or a group for quality diagnosis. Our PACS solution offers live chat with the ability to see who else is online. Drag and drop studies to others in live chat for quick advice on any study. The study viewer is completely customizable to fit with how you work, not the other way around. The picture archiving and communication system has a variety of modalities such as mammography, cardiology, pathology and more. Learn more about how our web-based PACS solution will benefit your facility.